Tuesday 27 December 2016


 Still I can mail (plain cover), free and without obligation or follow-up, a copy of the booklet: Mark or John (both in Contemporary English Version). Just email me your address. These were sourced from the Bible Society - they sell Scriptures in many languages.

I also have a few "Jesus" DVDs (16 languages). The script uses Luke's Gospel. The film was originally released about 30 years ago by the "Jesus Film Project". The DVDs are sourced from "Power to Change, Australia" (originally "Campus Crusade for Christ"). Other languages available.


Saturday 17 December 2016


Following are almost all of the (translated) original sources of the “Nativity Story” chapters, as related in Matthew and Luke (minus table of ancestors, headings and some punctuation). I have somewhat arbitrarily inserted the text from Matthew 2 in Luke. In some places today “Nativity Scenes” are popular; they also appear on some Christmas cards. Those scenes reflect ideas common in parts of the culture. (I have not tried to establish how these scenes and popular traditions came to be.) I will add notes to point out the common extraneous guesses or wishful thinking or errors. I am also repeating these notes of mine at the end in larger font. (The Bible text is available in these versions, and others, through biblegateway.com and through blueletterbible.org. )

Luke 1: 1-25 Many people have tried to tell the story of what God has done among us. They wrote what we had been told by the ones who were there in the beginning and saw what happened. So I made a careful study[a] of everything and then decided to write and tell you exactly what took place. Honorable Theophilus, I have done this to let you know the truth about what you have heard.

   When Herod was king of Judea, there was a priest by the name of Zechariah from the priestly group of Abijah. His wife Elizabeth was from the family of Aaron.[b] Both of them were good people and pleased the Lord God by obeying all that he had commanded. But they did not have children.

Saturday 10 December 2016

Mary (ed2)

Jesus' mother was named Mary. Despite the interest of the Gospel writers in the role of women in the Christ-event, references to this Mary are actually sparse, apart, naturally, from the “birth narratives”. The final NT mention has her in Jerusalem during the waiting period between Jesus’ death and resurrection and his sending of his replacement (the Holy Spirit).
They all came together regularly to pray. The women joined them too. So did Jesus’ mother Mary and his brothers (Acts 1:14, NIRV).
Surely she was still there (as was John) for the momentous Day of Pentecost (Acts chapter 2).

There were other Marys in the NT report of Jesus.