Thursday 21 December 2023

Messiah (Handel's)

For over 380 years the remarkable "Messiah" has been performed, in whole or in part, not least at this time of year.. The music was composed by G.F. Handel (HWV 56), to suit text supplied by Charles Jennings.

Below are the sentences used in the Messiah, but here taken from English Bibles of today.

Friday 15 December 2023

Jesus: His Prayer

That Jesus prayed is quite clear. All four Gospels tell us that Jesus prayed. At least 8 times are mentioned, though not usually the words he used. He also spoke and taught about real prayer and gave models for us. 
So - like this, we are told Jesus prayed:

Sunday 3 December 2023

Jesus: and the World

Jesus answered (the Governor), “My kingdom does not belong to this world. If my kingdom belonged to this world, my followers would be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my kingdom is not from here” (John 18:36, NRSVUE) 

I found a really clever image representing the land masses and oceans of our (physical) world:

Our day is not easy to compare to the era in which Jesus lived - also a blood-stained era. However, John's record has many mentions of our world. The world may be loved; may hate; may alarm; may reject its maker; may serve its usurper-ruler; may hear God's Spirit; may receive news of the lasting peace offer. 

A famous old song about God loving the world so very much by Sir John Stainer (1840-1901):

Here again are those words: For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life (John 3:16, NRSVUE).

The gift of eternal life was not cheap. God gave his only Son to open the invitation.

In the world (and nation) today there is sadly so much to doubt, fear, grieve and lament again (still).

No, the gift of eternal life was not cheap. God gave his only Son. Jesus’ immediate focus was his own people. Some of the people of the ancient “homeland” (Judea/Galilee) were his genetic relatives. Others were co-religionists, resident within the area recognised as being ruled (as far as Rome agreed) under the ancient Jewish Law. (There was a complication even in this, because many followers of Judaism lived in other lands.) The writer of John sums up the meaning of Jesus coming and what Jesus did:

Jesus: Way; Truth; Life

extended 26-28/10/23

I (Jesus) am the way, the truth and the life

Access. Direction. Arrival.

The South Downs Way (in England; above) became well established over many, many, long years and walkers have a secure right to pass that way. The path is clearly marked and may be entered, or left, at various points… I dare say to just randomly veer off the Way would be to risk problems! To reach the point aimed for is a lasting achievement. A family member walked here in October, 2023. (The UK weather may not have been exactly great for such activity at the time.)

Photo record of the walk in that Way - probably have to copy and paste:

Who could say: I am the way; I am the truth; I am the life? - Jesus.

Friday 1 December 2023


Long ago I published an original "about us" (you and me) page. Since modified (a lot), that post now appears a long way in! You can search back, or find it via this link:

Jesus vs THEM and Us

 Separation, distinction, rejection, diminishing, disrespecting, segregation, labelling, cruelty -

these are all too often evident. (Australia, again, can not validly claim the high moral ground!